PMG Launches World Currency Population Report

Posted on 2/28/2008

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Paper Money Guaranty has introduced a population report for World notes on its Web site. The report includes a detailed count of all the notes PMG has graded, by grade and by type. It is available as a free online resource at, and is updated weekly, on Monday mornings.

PMG has graded more than 25,000 World notes since it began certifying them in September 2005. PMG grades all notes listed in the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, commonly referred to as “Pick,” for its author, Albert Pick. PMG also grades all Canada notes listed in Charlton, and references Canadian currency by these numbers.

The report is categorized by country and reflects the broad diversity of currency that PMG has graded. More than 200 countries are represented. Included is the most valuable World note ever to sell auction, the Kingdom of Hawaii 1880 $10 Silver Certificate, serial number 1, PMG XF40. Also listed is the oldest note cataloged in Pick, a China early Ming Dynasty Kuan from 1368–1399, graded PMG VF20. Among the many Canadian notes is Charlton #BC-20, a series 1935 $1,000 French-language issue, believed to be unique in private hands.

“Preparing this report was a considerable data management task. The result, however, is the first comprehensive reference of its kind and an essential resource for collectors of world paper money,” comments PMG World Note Coordinator, Richard Stelzer.

PMG Manager, Glen Jorde, adds “We're very proud to provide this information as a free resource. PMG earnestly hopes that this report will serve to advance the knowledge and interest in this collecting field.”

Only an online catalog is currently available; however, PMG is assessing the demand for a printed version of its population report.

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