Collectors Society Wins WebAward Standard of Excellence
Posted on 11/5/2007

Entries in the competition go head to head with other sites in their industry category, and are judged on seven criteria including design, innovation, content, technology, interactivity, copywriting and ease of use. Sites are ranked for each criterion on a scale of 0-10 points.
For scoring above the average in their category at 55 total points, Collectors Society was awarded a 2007 WebAward Standard of Excellence, taking their place in the winner’s circle. Contest judges noted “Good use of color to create a clean environment. Interesting use of navigation menus with several horizontal menus stacked near the top of the page. Information is suitable for the target audience. Solid site."
The WebAwards provides a benchmark by which all Website development can be judged. A decade’s worth of judging scores defines what Internet marketing professionals should strive for in their website marketing and design efforts. These historical results are now used to provide a point of reference and feedback to website marketing professionals who enter.
Congratulations to Collectors Society and the entire community on this achievement!
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