Certification Now Available for Uncut Sheets

Posted on 3/30/2006

PMG is now offering certification and encapsulation for uncut pairs, three subject, and four subject sheets. For all configurations, the fee charged for this service is the selected submission tier price for one note plus an addition $50 custom holder fee. While all note types are eligible for this service, PMG expects that primarily sheets of Obsolete and National notes will be submitted. Sheets larger than four subjects are not eligible.

PMG Finalizer, Glen Jorde, comments that “In part, the overwhelming reception to the PMG holder prompted the addition of this service. Collectors wanted their sheets protected by the same materials as their notes.” The PMG holder for uncut sheets is comprised of the same semi-rigid clear plastic material as the holders for single notes.

PMG is the only currency certification service offering encapsulation for uncut sheets. Inquiries can be directed to PMG customer service at 1-877-PMG-5570 our by email to service@PMGnotes.com. More detail information may be found online at www.PMGnotes.com.

Uncut Currency Sheet.
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