PMG Sponsors Educational Seminars at the PCDA Convention

Posted on 11/16/2005

Paper Money Guaranty (PMG) is sponsoring a series of educational seminars being held at the Professional Currency Dealers Association’s Convention in St. Louis November 16-19, 2005. The program consists of four lectures by Peter Huntoon, and they are free to attend. All seminars are held in the Poplar Room at the St. Louis Airport Hilton, adjacent to the convention bourse.

Friday, November 18 at 1:00 pm.
National Bank Note, Educational Seminar I
“The Civil War, the Comptroller’s Office and 73 Years of National Bank Currency”

Friday, November 18 at 3:00 pm.
National Bank Note, Educational Seminar II
“The Greatest National Bank Note Errors Ever Made”

Saturday, November 19 at 11:00am.
National Bank Note, Educational Seminar III
“A Comprehensive Look at U.S. $5 Series of 1882 Brown Back Title Layouts”

Saturday, November 19 at 3:00pm.
National Bank Note, Educational Seminar IV
“Colonel Green – The Most Extravagant Collectors of All Time (and the Story of His 1929 Series National Bank Note Sheets)”

The PCDA show, the National and World Paper Money Convention, is one of the leading events in the United States serving the interests of paper money collectors and dealers. It is held annually at the St. Louis Airport Hilton. More information can be found on the PCDA website,

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