PMG Expands Its Service Offerings

Posted on 8/3/2005

Beginning August 3, 2005, PMG will be grading Military Payment Certificates and notes from the Dominion of Canada and the Bank of Canada. Grading services for US Colonial Notes are also offered on a limited basis. MPC's and Colonial notes can be submitted at the US Currency tier pricing which is used for other issues already graded by PMG, which includes all US Currency, Confederate States of America, and Fractional Currency issues. PMG Submission Form for US Currency should be used. Canadian currency should be submitted on a World Currency Submission Form, and World tier pricing applies.

Steve Eichenbaum, CEO, comments: "This first major expansion of our services avails collectors of a greater scope of the PMG grading team’s resources. This is an important step to fulfilling our stated commitment to provide accurate and impartial grading for the currency market."

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