The Best Education in Numismatics

Posted on 5/13/2011

The ANA Summer Seminar remains the best educational experience in numismatics. 70 percent of Summer Seminar students return every year. Learn more about Summer Seminar and take a look at one of the courses being taught by a PMG expert.

For many, the American Numismatic Association's (ANA) Summer Seminar, is a life-changing event. It has catapulted the careers of many of the nation's most successful numismatic collectors, authors and dealers, and guided young numismatists to become hobby leaders.

Now celebrating its 43rd year, Summer Seminar features a lineup of classes to meet virtually every collector's needs, including ancients, paper money, counterfeit detection, grading, the Civil War, digital photography, Lincoln cents, hobo nickels, medals, tokens, and more. Students meet and learn from the hobby's most prominent scholars, rising young stars and successful business leaders - including a PMG Grader!

Your class experience is a true seminar: students gathered in small groups where everyone actively participates. You'll learn not only from instructors who are recognized leaders in their fields, but also from the collective experiences of fellow students, who range in age from 13 to 90.

Join Bruce Thornton, Finalizer, Paper Money Guaranty for the 2-Day Class Grading US Paper Money

Grading US Paper Money

Monday & Tuesday,
July 4 & 5, 9 am - 4 pm

This hands-on seminar focuses on introductory and intermediate grading skills across a number of popular paper money areas. There also will be opportunity for group discussion and one-on-one instruction. Students are encouraged to bring up to 10 of their own notes for grading, as well as a magnifying loupe. More details

Bruce looks forward to Summer Seminar, saying "I've had the privilege of meeting a lot of young numismatists in recent years, and teaching this class gives me a great opportunity to interact with even more of them in a hands-on environment. It's very educational and can benefit collectors of all ages. I’m very excited and look forward to seeing everyone.”

To learn more about summer seminar, visit the information page on the ANA's Web site, or download the full course catalog [PDF].

Take only Grading U.S. Paper Money, or combine with another 2-day class and stay for the week. 2-Day class tuition is $298 ($285 for Life Members)*. All other tuition options are listed on the registration form.

*Tuition only, lodging and meals not included.

Enroll in Summer Seminar today and have the numismatic time of your life.

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