Glen Jorde to Depart PMG

Posted on 12/1/2010

Glen Jorde is leaving to pursue other opportunities as a PMG authorized dealer.

Glen Jorde, PMG grading finalizer since its founding, is leaving PMG. In anticipation of his departure, his responsibilities have already transitioned to the other experienced members of the PMG grading team including Rick Stelzer, who has also served as finalizer since PMG's inception, Chad Hawk and Bruce Thornton. Jorde is leaving PMG to pursue other opportunities in the collectibles field. As his new venture will involve certified currency, Jorde will be a PMG authorized dealer.

“We’re very appreciative of Glen’s commitment to PMG these past six years. His integrity and deep knowledge are hallmarks of the company and have helped make it a leader in currency grading,” comments Steve Eichenbaum, Certified Collectibles Group CEO. “We all wish Glen great success in his next endeavor and look forward to continuing our relationship with him as an important client of PMG.”

Glen Jorde reflects on his years at PMG: “I’m immensely proud of my time and experience at PMG and I believe that I’m leaving the company poised to continue its extraordinary growth. The grading team is comprised of the most talented and capable group of currency experts I have ever worked with and, every day, PMG continues to play an ever more important role in the currency marketplace in the US and internationally.”

Founded in 2005, PMG is the world’s largest currency grading service, offering independent third-party certification for dealers and collectors. In 2010, PMG certified the Beebe Collection, among the most important collections of US large size currency extant, which resides in the American Numismatic Museum’s Money Museum.

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