From the Grading Room

Posted on 9/28/2010

This month we'll look at some notes from Florida, Malaya and China.

Lakeland, Florida, The Florida National Bank Charter #13370, PMG Choice Uncirculated 65 EPQ

This stunning note draws attention not only because it bears the distinction of a Serial #1, but also because it has the signature of J. W. Gressing as both cashier and president. There are only 12 Charter numbers that are “Dual Office Holder” banknotes.

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Malaya / British Army Propaganda Schwan-Boling #2182, PMG About Uncirculated 55 EPQ

This interesting piece was printed by the British Psychological Warfare Division as a “propaganda note” with the purpose of resembling Japanese Invasion Money (JIM) so people would take notice when seen. The message on the face reads, “Japanese money will die with Japan.” The back message reads, “Now in the country of Burma the Japanese currency is no longer valid; what is valid is the former British currency. When the British return to the country of the Malays, their currency, which has gone underground, will be valid as before. The currency of the British will last forever.” The back is printed in both Malay (both script types) and Chinese.

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China Proof Specimen Pick#S437ps, S/M #T204-2 1902 5 Dollars = 5 Piastres, PMG Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ

This beautiful note is the only one in the PMG Population Report. It bears some additional interest as it is a “Proof Specimen,” which is a Specimen banknote printed on un-watermarked paper.

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China, Chili Provincal Bank P# S1259r S/M#C163-9 (1916) 50 Dollars Tientsin Branch, PMG Choice Uncirculated PMG 64 EPQ

This is the only example of this note seen by PMG. The design was originally created for the Peiyang Tientsin Bank but, as often seen on Chinese Banknotes, the original bank titles on the front and the back are overprinted with Guillochés to cancel out the title.

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Reference: World War II Remembered Schwan-Boiling

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