Collectors Journal Now Integrated with Message Boards

Posted on 4/26/2010

This integration will allow collectors to communicate and share collecting experiences with a wider audience.

The Collectors Journal has been a popular feature for Collectors Society members since it was first introduced in 2005. It is a place for members to share thoughts about their collecting experiences in general. Much like a "blog" or "web log," it allows users to post articles in one coherent spot.

Among users there has been great discussion generated by journal entries. To better facilitate ongoing discussion, we have integrated the Collectors Journal with our Message Boards. The Collectors Journal will work as it always has, only now users will have the option to simultaneously post their journal entries to the Message Boards for an even wider audience.

Posts will appear in newly created message board sections based on the area of interest: NGC Journals, CGC Journals and PMG Journals. Journal entries marked for display on the message boards will include a link to “Discuss on Chat Boards” for easy access to the discussion.

Join the Collectors Society today to start making your own journal entries. Participation in the Collectors Journals is open to all levels of membership.

The Journal feature is designed to allow our members to share their collecting journey with other members. Buy / Sell / Trade posts and posts that include advertisements are not permitted in this area.

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