Small Size Varieties Now Reported in the Population Report

Posted on 3/2/2010

PMG has enhanced its Population Report and information for all varieties of US Small Size notes is now reported.

Collectors of US Small Size currency have a new reference available on the PMG Web site. Small Size notes are now listed by their varieties in the PMG Population Report. The Population Report is a free resource that displays the number of examples of each note certified at each grade level by PMG. Varieties of Small Size notes are now listed on their own discrete rows.

Variety can be identified in the Report by a suffix modifier that appears following its Friedberg catalog number. For example, mules of Fr. 2301 will appear in the population report under the number 2301m. Examples of Fr. 1952-F with a dark green seal appear under note number 1952-Fdgs, while those with a light green seal appear under 1952-Flgs. A comprehensive key to suffixes used in the PMG note numbering system are as follows.

bpeback plate error dgsdark green seal
dgsmdark green seal, mule fpeface plate error
lgslight green seal Lbplate finished back plate
Lfplate finished face plate Lfp86late finished face plate 86
mmule m629mule, back plate 629
Nnarrow nbnew back
obold back R1run one
sspecimen sub1818 subject sheet
Wwide Wiwide, type 1
Wiiwide, type 2 *replacement note, see below

The * can be used in combination with any of the above variety suffixes to indicate a replacement note. Examples showing plate numbers are illustrative of examples where multiple plates may have been used in combination with varieties, and other such cases exist. Similarly, issues of multiple runs are described with their respective run number, e.g. R2, for run two.

"This valuable information has never been categorized in this way. While we have some data about the scarcity of certain varieties, it is being directly correlated to accurate grading information for the first time. It’s very exciting to make this enhancement to the Report available to specialists," comments Chad Hawk, PMG grader.

The PMG Population Report also provides population figures for Small Size blocks and has integrated transaction reporting of actual note sales provided by Track & Price. In total, the Report includes population statistics for currency from 280 countries, making it an essential resource for currency collections of both US and World notes. Click to view the PMG Population Report.

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