PMG-Certified Russian Banknotes Highlight Bowers & Merena Auction

Posted on 9/24/2008

October Auction Features Two Outstanding Collections, “The East Bay Collection of International Banknotes” and “The Eduard Kann Chinese Banknote Collection”

Bowers and Merena Auction will conduct an auction of exceptional international banknotes in New York City at the Hilton Times Square on October 27-28, 2008. The auction is compiled of two premier collections, “The East Bay Collection of International Banknotes” and “The Eduard Kann Chinese Banknote Collection,” consisting of more than 2,000 total lots.

According to by Ronald J. Gillio, numismatic acquisition coordinator, “The East Bay Collection” is believed to be the largest collection of international banknotes ever to come to market. Assembled over the course of 40 years by a private collector in Northern California, it consists of more than 30,000 notes representative of over 150 countries. The entire collection will be auctioned over the coming year in multiple auctions around the world, debuting in this October auction with Chinese and related Asian banknotes and Russian and European banknotes.

Neil Shafer, internationally renowned world paper money expert and author, had the opportunity to view “The East Bay Collection” banknotes while in California cataloging the Kann Chinese banknotes for Bowers and Merena. He comments: “This collection of world paper money is by all standards one of the best ever formed. There are a decent number of them that I had never seen before, and the Russian group is among the best collections ever formed of the earlier issues,” Shafer said.

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Gillio noted that the Russian selection is highlighted by a full set of “State Bank Metal Deposit Receipts” from 1895 Issue (Pick A71-A77) consisting of seven notes: 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500 and 1,000 Rubles. “Less than 10 sets are known making this an extremely rare and desirable item,” he said. These notes have been certified by PMG, the leading third party grader.

Also featured in “The East Bay Collection” is a large group of Korean and other Asian banknotes; a New Caledonia 1000 Francs World War II issue; and a rare early 19th century British Guiana 100 Dollar (Pick PS113), among other European notes too numerous to mention.

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For more information about Bowers and Merena Auctions and “The East Bay Collection” and “The Eduard Kann Collection,” call 800.458.4646 or visit

This is a guest article from Bowers and Merena Auctions. The thoughts and opinions in the piece are those of their author and are not necessarily the thoughts of the Certified Collectibles Group.

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